Wednesday, January 24, 2007

In the beginning...

...there was an incredibly generous book group in Sacramento.

They helped us buy a digital camera to help us enter the 20th century. We figured out how to use the camera pretty quickly but it took us 8 months to figure out that you can set up a blog in 3 minutes (thanks Gabe). So we're going to begin by posting some pictures from last year and then gradually get more current as we bring everyone up to date on Rami, his mom and her fiance.

Rami started taking Karate lessons in the spring of 2006. He goes pretty faithfully twice a week. He's not to be messed with.

Rami loves taking pictures with the digital camera. He's got a knack for self- portraits.

In late 2005 and early 2006, Rami became quite an expert bike rider. Here is with his friend Zach, from the Thousand Oaks kindergarten days.

Of course, Rami's favourite (sic) thing in life is hanging out with the supercoolest Ima ever.

Rami is blessed with a large immediate family and we spend lots of time with them. Here are Rami's grandma, Aunt Linda and Uncle Elliot.

Rami's also has a foreigner in his life who's going to be his stepfather. They keep each other honest.

Thanks to his mom, Rami has many honourary (sic) aunts and uncles. Here's Aunt Ruth from the aforementioned book group in Sacramento.

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